Saturday, February 25, 2012

A busy but productive weekend

Well, it has been a busy weekend so far, but a good one. Yesterday our glider arrived for the nursery and DH put that together…it feels wonderful! I already love sitting in it, and suspect that it is easier to rock both babies at the same time right now than it will be in a few months. :-D The crib mattress and wool puddle pad arrived earlier in the week and we were able to get that all arranged in the crib.  That part is almost ready for the babies.

Today I got to spend some “girl” time with a couple of friends. EF and I went to a consignment sale and I was able to grab a few baby clothes at half off. Then KM and I went to a Blessingway meeting downtown and after that another consignment sale. I guess this is the season for consignment sales.

I stopped at Hobby Lobby and Walmart on the way home…I needed just a few more ingredients for some of my latest “crunchy” projects. I already made laundry soap, which we are greatly enjoying. In addition to being cheaper than commercially prepared detergents, it doesn’t have the harsh chemicals, so will be safe on cloth diapers. Today I was looking for the last few ingredients I needed to make liquid hand soap/body wash and dishwasher detergent. The hand soap has been made and is currently cooling…I haven’t made the dishwasher detergent yet, as I felt like I needed to rest with my feet up a few minutes.

Of course, sitting down on the couch only created a need for two cockapoos to join me, so they are currently snoring away, crowding me off the loveseat. :-D I guess I should spend cuddle time with them, since they will have to make room for two little humans in a few months.

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