Sunday, December 21, 2008

Much To Do

Aha, so I have not updated for a while. Part of me was just busy...and then part of me was waiting for something "profound" to happen...though I am not really sure why I thought something profound would happen. :-D

Mostly I have been busy with work and getting Christmas stuff ready. I love Christmas time...the light, the music, the cheer, finding the "perfect" gift for a loved one, etc. :-) Darren and I are mostly ready...Both of our families drew names this we only got to shop for 4 gifts for extended family. My side of the family has decided that we will try to make birthday's more of a " big deal" this year. That way you can still have the joy of picking out the perfect present for every person, but it will spread it out over the year a little more. There are 6 "kids" in my family, plus spouses and children, so that makes it a little more feasible for everyone.

This year I got the tree decorated and the living room decorated. I got some greenery put up outside and was hoping to get lights and ribbon too...but I think this year we will just have the greenery and maybe next year get the rest. ;-)

Tonight is our Christmas program at church and I am looking forward to going. I wish Darren could come with me...but he is working today. I plan to take him dessert after church.

Well, I have to go finish getting ready for church. I got my hair cut recently and have been trying different ways to wear it. Today I tried some hot stix roller I had...I am feeling like an overgrown Shirley Temple at the moment...I hope I can fix this into something salvageable. :-)

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